Sono oltre 50 gli istruttori qualificati e altamente specializzati che fanno parte del nostro team di formazione.
Si tratta di piloti professionisti, la maggior parte ancora attivi e impiegati nelle più importanti compagnie aeree di linea, con alle spalle anni di esperienza teorica e pratica nel settore del trasporto aereo.
La passione e la preparazione dei nostri istruttori nell’insegnamento di tutto ciò che riguarda la cultura del volo garantisce un percorso di formazione all’avanguardia, dove ogni allievo è seguito con dedizione e scrupolosità nel suo percorso di apprendimento.
Istruttori di volo
Capt. Angelo Fulgenzi
Capt. Angelo Fulgenzi
Istruttore di volo
- Type of Licence: ATPL
- Total flight hours: more than 12000
- Professional experience: 20 years in Babcock Mission Critical Service as Canadair air fire fighting captain with responsibility of Head of Training, Crew Training Postholder, and Type Rating Examiner
- Type Ratings: Canadair CL-415
- Class Ratings: SEP – MEP
- Abilitation courses related to aviation: FI IRI CRI CRE FE IRE CRE TRE MCCI MPLI
- Additional qualifications: sailplanes instructor
- Curiosity: “keep a low profile!”
Capt. Renzo Gasparrini
Capt. Renzo Gasparrini
Istruttore di volo
- Type of Licence: ATPL
- Total flight hours: more than 17000
- Professional experience: CFI Alitalia Flight Academy Alghero PA42, Captain TRI/TRE Boing 777
- Type Ratings abilitation: Boing 777/787
- Class Rating abilitation: SEP MEP
- Abilitation courses related to aviation: FI IRI MCCI SFI TRE MPLI
Chief Flight Instructor
Capt. Giuseppe Diana
Capt. Giuseppe Diana
Chief Flight Instructor
Istruttore di volo
- Job Title outside the ATO: ITA Airways Captain
- Type of Licence: ATPL
- Total flight hours: more than 17000
- Type Ratings: Airbus 330
- Class Ratings: SEP MEP
- Abilitation courses related to aviation: FI, IRI, CRI, MPLI
- Curiosity: play the piano
Flight Instructor
Gen. Giuseppe D’Accolti
Gen. Giuseppe D’Accolti
Flight Instructor
Istruttore di volo
- Type of Licence: CPL
- Total flight hours: more than 5.000
- Professional experience: Flight Instructor at the Aeronautical Academy for over 12 years; Director of Department at the Comando Generale della Scuola and Stato Maggiore dell’Aeronautica. Commander of the 61st Wing on Aermacchi MB326, 339, 346 aircraft. Test Pilot for the Aermacchi line and military flight examiner. Pilot, instructor and examiner for VDS aircraft.
- Class Ratings: SEP
- Abilitation courses related to aviation: FI, Aerobatic Flight
- Curiosity: “Since I was a child I loved spending some time with my nose up, watching the flight of birds and the clouds that ran”.
Flight Instructor
Pil. Carlo Ciabattini
Pil. Carlo Ciabattini
Flight Instructor
Istruttore di volo
- Type of Licence: CPL IR
- Total flight hours: more than 1400
- Professional experience: Skymaster Alitalia Cadet Pilot
- Class Ratings: SEP MEP
- Abilitation courses related to aviation: FI FII MPLI AUPRTI
- Additional qualifications: Alitalia MPLI
- Curiosity: most loved among women!
Flight Instructor – Standard Group
Pil. Luigi Amoroso
Pil. Luigi Amoroso
Flight Instructor – Standard Group
Istruttore di volo
- Type of Licence: CPL
- Total flight hours: more than 13000
- Professional experience: Flight Instructor in several flight academies
- Class Ratings: SEP MEP
- Abilitation courses related to aviation: FI IRI CRI FII CRE MPLI
Flight Instructor
Pil. Gianluca Basile
Pil. Gianluca Basile
Flight Instructor
Istruttore di volo
- Type of Licence: CPL
- Total flight hours: More than 300
- Class Ratings: SEP MEP
- Abilitation courses related to aviation: FI
- Professional experience: theoretical knowledge instructor
Flight Instructor
Pil. James Bec
Pil. James Bec
Flight Instructor
Istruttore di volo
- Job Title outside the ATO: Ryanair First Officer
- Type of Licence: ATPL frozen
- Total flight hours: more than 3500
- Class Ratings: SEP, MEP, IR ME SP
- Abilitation courses related to aviation: FI CRI IRI
Istruttori di teoria
Methereology T.K.I.
Sergio Calabrese
Sergio Calabrese
Methereology T.K.I.
Istruttore di teoria
- Professional experience: Aeronautical Meteorology and Flight Planning Instructor at Pilot and Flight Technician Training Centers. Author of texts on Meteorology and Aeronautical Climatology. Member of IATA Aviation Meteorology Committee, IATA Spokesman / Chief Observer Commissions of Aeronautical Meteorology and Climatology of the World Meteorological Organization. Head of the Regulations and Government Entities Reports Office and Head of the Navigation and Route Documentation Body – Flight Operations Division. Former Officer of the Meteorological Service of the Italian Air Force – Meteorologist.
Airlaw T.K.I and O.P.
Capt. Danilo Cataldi
Capt. Danilo Cataldi
Airlaw T.K.I and O.P.
Istruttore di teoria
- Type of Licence: ATPL
- Total flight hours: more than 18700
- Professional experience: active ATPL Pilot, employed in Alitalia since 1997, presently flying as FO and SIC; current Type Rating+IR on B777, together with ETOPS and NAT-HLA qualifications. Airlaw teacher at De Pinedo Technical Aviation Institute of Rome. In 2011 appointed Technical Pilot and then Safety Manager for the B777 fleet. Graduated “with Distinction” Naval Aviator and Navy Helicopter Pilot with the US Navy in 1986.
Human Performance and Human Factor T.K.I.
Gen. Giuseppe D’Accolti
Gen. Giuseppe D’Accolti
Human Performance and Human Factor T.K.I.
Istruttore di teoria
- Type of Licence: CPL
- Total flight hours: more than 5.000
- Professional experience: Flight Instructor at the Aeronautical Academy for over 12 years; Director of Department at the Comando Generale della Scuola and Stato Maggiore dell’Aeronautica. Commander of the 61st Wing on Aermacchi MB326, 339, 346 aircraft. Test Pilot for the Aermacchi line and military flight examiner. Pilot, instructor and examiner for VDS aircraft.
- Class Ratings: SEP
- Abilitation courses related to aviation: FI, Aerobatic Flight
- Curiosity: “Since I was a child I loved spending some time with my nose up, watching the flight of birds and the clouds that ran”.
Corso PPL
Pil. Gianluca Basile
Pil. Gianluca Basile
Corso PPL
Istruttore di teoria
- Type of Licence: CPL
- Total flight hours: More than 300
- Class Ratings: SEP MEP
- Abilitation courses related to aviation: FI
- Professional experience: theoretical knowledge instructor
Corso PPL
Pil. Alessandro Greco
Pil. Alessandro Greco
Corso PPL
Istruttore di teoria
- Type of Licence: ATPL Frozen / CPL
- Total flight hours: More than 450
- Class Ratings: SEP MEP
- Abilitation courses related to aviation: FI
- Curiosity: He loves scuba diving
A.G.K. and Instruments T.K.I.
Attilio Iacobini
Attilio Iacobini
A.G.K. and Instruments T.K.I.
Istruttore di teoria
- Professional experience: former Alitalia Crew Technical Instructor; DC10 MD80, MD11 A319-320-321 B777 Type Rating Instructor; professional training courses for Mc DONNELL DOUGLAS, BOEING and AIRBUS INDUSTRIES aircraft manufacturers.
English Language T.K.I.
Gianpiero Malnati
Gianpiero Malnati
English Language T.K.I.
Istruttore di teoria
- Professional experience: Since 1997 Cabin Crew Attestation (EU – OPS) issued by British Airways PLC in accordance with EASA – CC Airbus A380 – Boeing 787 / 777. Teacher of Aviation English TEA Certification – Mayflower College, Plymouth UK – 2016 course of study in accordance with ICAO standards and procedures in the teaching of English for aviation personnel. Cambridge ESOL Level 5* Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages CELTA (Grade B) Stanton School of Languages London. C.N.N.A. Postgraduate Diploma in Personnel Management (Institute of Personnel and Development) Thames Valley University.
English Language T.K.I.
Denis Mariano
Denis Mariano
English Language T.K.I.
Istruttore di teoria
- Professional experience: since 2004 Aviation English Language consultant; member of several committees for the recruitment of aviation staff (pilots and technicians) in companies such as CAI, ENI, ENAV, ENI Servizi Aerei and Esperia Aviation Services. Works both at national and international level in companies such as Terna, Tirreno Power, NTV Italo, Babcock, UPS, Italian Golf Federation, ENI, the Italian Order of Accountants, ENAV, Expedia, IBSA Italia, IBSA Foundation, ADIPSO and Federfarma. Aviation English teacher and examiner in different flying schools. Translator recognised also by the GMC and the GDC and other British government organisations. Currently involved as official interpreter of the organising committee for Ryder Cup 2022.
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